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Webinar On Demand

Double Materiality and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

Key Takeaways

Join Workiva and PwC as they dive into the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and double materiality. The ESRS, on the verge of approval by the European Commission, is set to help revolutionize corporate ESG disclosures, impacting thousands of EU-based companies as well as US and other non-EU headquartered companies as early as the FY '24 reporting period.

Workiva and PwC specialists will explore the latest updates on the ESRS, delve into requirements, and provide practical guidance on implementing the concept of double materiality.

Tune in for Workiva and PwC’s analysis of the EU's recent consultation of the ESRS and gain an understanding of the implications for your organization. Discover the steps to performing a double materiality assessment alongside key learnings from PwC clients. 

This webinar can serve as your opportunity to gain critical insights for the ESRS and can help you stay at the forefront of sustainability reporting practices. 

After the webinar, you can develop a better understanding of how to:

  • Create a pathway for double materiality assessment

  • Identify data gaps and make plans to help address them

  • Build enhanced processes for ESRS reporting

double materiality and the CSRD


60 Minutes

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