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Eine Einführung in die CSRD

To many, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will be a game changer in ESG reporting. But what is it, who will it affect, and when does it come into force? This introductory guide breaks it all down.

Nachhaltiges grünes Gebäudedesign

Was ist das CSRD?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), sets out environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting requirements for companies and aims to significantly expand the scope of the NFRD, both in terms of who needs to report and what needs to be reported.

First proposed in April 2021, this new European Union (EU) legislation developed by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will gradually be coming into play over the next few years. It expands upon, and will replace, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which has been in force since 2018.

New Requirements

What are the new CSRD requirements?

The new CSRD requirements introduce mandatory corporate sustainability reporting standards and the integration of ESG information in management and annual reports. This means mandatory assurance audits and digital tagging of information by the financial reporting team.

scope of CSRD

What is the scope of the CSRD?

All large companies(1) and all companies listed on regulated markets (except micro-enterprises) must comply with CSRD reporting requirements.

CSRD Mandates

When is the CSRD mandated by?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive officially entered into force on 5 January 2023. A gradual rollout with the first companies due to file will occur in Q1 2025 (applies to FY 2024).

Frequently Asked CSRD Questions

The CSRD will affect all EU-based companies who have:

  • Ein Nettoumsatz von mindestens 40 Mio. €
  • Vermögenswerte von mindestens 20 Mio. €
  • Mehr als 250 Mitarbeiter
  • Zudem werden alle börsennotierten Unternehmen (mit Ausnahme von Kleinstunternehmen) betroffen sein.

The CSRD, having a considerably larger reach than the NFRD, (up from 11,000 to around 50,000) also impacts non-EU companies who have with EU-based subsidiaries, or who have securities on EU-regulated markets, are also required to comply with the CSRD. This means, for example, that a UK or US-based multi-entity corporation with a single subsidiary in the EU will need to report in line with CSRD regulations, even if all their other subsidiaries are outside of the EU.

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are standards being brought in by the CSRD to provide the specific requirements that companies will need to follow in their reporting practices.

Im November 2022 veröffentlichte die EFRAG den ersten Satz von ESRS-Entwürfen, die 12 Standards umfassen. Diese umfassen:

  • General: 1- General requirements, 2- General disclosures
  • Umwelt: E1 - Klimawandel, E2 - Umweltverschmutzung, E3 - Wasser und Meeresressourcen, E4 - Biodiversität und Ökosysteme, E5 - Ressourcennutzung und Kreislaufwirtschaft
  • Social: S1 - Own Workforce, S2- Workers in the value chain, S3 - Affected communities, S4 - Consumers and end users
  • Governance: G1 - Business Conduct

While reporting in line with E2 - General disclosures and E1 - Climate change is required for all companies in scope of the CSRD, not all of these are mandatory for every company. EFRAG and the ESRS provide detailed information on who needs to follow which specific reporting standards.

The CSRD aims to establish a shared framework for reporting non-financial data. The idea is that by enforcing thorough, robust, standardized reports, everyone— from policymakers and investors to clients and consumers—can make informed decisions on a company’s ESG performance.

Nach Ansicht der EU haben Investoren und Verbraucher schon lange ein Recht darauf, die ESG-Daten von Unternehmen in leicht verständlicher und vergleichbarer Form einsehen zu können. Obwohl die geltenden Verordnungen (z. B. das NFRD) bereits einen Schritt in diese Richtung bedeuteten, herrschte Einigkeit darüber, dass sie nicht ausreichen.

Die Investoren stellten fest, dass in ESG-Berichten viele wichtige bzw. aussagekräftige Informationen fehlten, uneinheitliche Kennzahlen verwendet wurden und unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte gesetzt wurden. Dadurch erschienen die Daten wenig vertrauenswürdig und ließen sich nur schwer miteinander vergleichen. Laut der EU kann sich dies wiederum auf nachhaltige Investitionen auswirken, die einen der Kernbereiche darstellen.

Eines der Hauptziele des CSRD ist es, die Bereiche „E“, „S“ und „G“ der ESG-Berichterstattung auf schlüssige und einheitliche Weise zusammenzuführen. Informationen aus folgenden Bereichen müssen Unternehmen künftig offenlegen:

  • Umweltschutz
  • Umgang mit dem Personal und soziale Verantwortung
  • Menschenrechte
  • Bekämpfung von Bestechung und Korruption
  • Diversität im Vorstand
Innenhof des Gebäudes des Europäischen Parlaments

Zusammenfassung: Eine Momentaufnahme der CSRD

This guide distills key information about the mandate and how it will impact your organization.

Was gibt es sonst noch Wissenswertes?

The CSRD will be granting individual Member States the opportunity to open the market to ‘independent assurance services providers’. Countries that choose to take this option would allow assurance firms as well as auditors to verify the corporate sustainability reporting information provided.

In the future, smaller organizations will also need to report in accordance with the CSRD. Modified regulations tailored for SMEs will be published, and those listed on a regulated market will need to start reporting from 2028.

Unsere Empfehlungen

Alle Mann an Deck

The CSRD is a substantial step up from previous ESG reporting standards. To meet these high CSRD standards, your company will need full engagement from all stakeholders, particularly C-level executives and the board of directors. More than putting together a report, the CSRD requires a clear vision and goal setting.

Jetzt vorbereiten

Now that we know exactly what the CSRD entails, it's time to make the necessary decisions to ensure that your organization complies with the mandate.

Beweglich bleiben

As the reporting landscape develops, it’s important to assess the processes and tools that underpin daily operations throughout the organization. Do you have access to all the data your organization may need to report on? How is it being gathered? Is it secure, verifiable, and connected? Having these building blocks in place (with the help of the right technology and processes) will prepare you for any upcoming CSRD reporting requirements.

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ESG Software

Unsere ESG-Lösung hat alle CSRD-Berichtsanforderungen in die Plattform integriert, die wir kontinuierlich optimieren, um eine nahtlose Integration in den Berichtsprozess zu ermöglichen.


Workiva hebt sich von anderen ESG-Reporting-Tools ab, indem es die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Teams fördert und Daten intelligent integriert, um Transparenz während des gesamten Berichtsprozesses zu gewährleisten.

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