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Sujets brûlants en matière de risque et de conformité : ESG et crise économique

Ce qu’il faut retenir

Join KPMG and Workiva for an engaging discussion covering hot topics in audit, risk, and compliance. Hear actionable advice on navigating the state of the market, ESG reporting, employee engagement, and more.

Internal controls for ESG reporting 

  • Learn how your organization can increase collaboration between financial reporting, sustainability, ESG, and internal audit teams to build an effective and efficient internal control foundation for your ESG program. 
  • Apply lessons learned from 20 years of SOX to proactively tackle ESG reporting. Specifically, establishing governance and internal controls and outlining an audit strategy.

Economic headwinds—making your ICFR program more efficient 

  • Practical steps your team can take today to drive efficiency in your ICFR program: 

          - Reduce your dependency on email and eliminate the need to cut and paste supporting documentation to save time and reduce errors 
          - 1st and 2nd line benefits
          - Data governance

  • How your organization can magnify the return on your investment in technology to gain efficiencies and increase finance staff engagement and retention by reducing time spent on redundant, manual tasks so they can focus their time on value creation. 

During this session, you'll learn how your organization can:

  • Develop an ESG program that unifies ESG reporting, financial reporting, risks, and controls 
  • Apply learnings from SOX to build a solid foundation, jump-start your ESG program, and prepare for ESG assurance
  • Identify opportunities to prepare for and overcome the typical organizational impacts of a recession
  • Implement analytics and technology to increase auditor engagement and satisfaction and improve the hiring and retention of high-performing team members

Une partie ou la totalité des services décrits dans les présentes peuvent ne pas être autorisés pour les clients d’audit de KPMG et leurs sociétés affiliées ou entités liées.


60 minutes


Sue King, Grant Ostler

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