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Aperçu du logiciel : Démonstration de Workiva en matière de reporting ESG

Ce qu’il faut retenir

  • If you want to know how ESG teams are using the Workiva platform, this full demo video gives you a preview of how the tool works

  • Workiva makes it simple to create a fully compliant ESG report: from mandatory CSRD, TCFD and EU Taxonomy requirements to GRI and SASB standards, easily find all the most popular frameworks within the platform and apply it to your data

  • Thanks to integrated design capabilities, the Workiva platform is a true end-to-end ESG reporting solution, enabling you to produce stunning investor-ready reports with data you can trust

  • In this preview, you’ll see how Workiva is unique among ESG reporting tools in connecting multiple teams while intelligently linking data, ensuring transparency across the entire reporting process  

Workiva for ESG Reporting demo video

Watch Time

10 minutes

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